Skin Cares

Skin & Care


Should chemical ingredients never be used ?

I have been telling people around me and in my community for a long time that "chemical ingredients are harmful to the skin and should not be used." But why do some people use chemical cosmetics and have nothing ? Some of you may be asking, "But why have I been using cosmetics for years and have nothing ?" It is true that not everyone suffers from inflammation. However, according to statistics published on the American Academy of Dermatology website:

  • 84.5 million Amricans (or one in four) have been affected by a skin disease.
  • Skin diseases cost the U.S. healthcare system $75 billion in medical, preventive, and prescription and non-prescription drug costs.
  • Approximately 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 have at least minor acne.
  • Approximately 7.5 million people in the United States suffer from psoriasis.
  • Rosacea is a common skin disease that affects 16 million Americans.
  • It is estimated that more than 9,500 people in the United States are diagnosed with skin cancer every day.

Chemical ingredients

Also, according to the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, skin diseases are ranked as the fourth leading cause of disease in humans, but many affected individuals do not seek medical attention.

The same journal states that allergic skin reactions can be caused by many different chemical compounds found in creams, cosmetics, and other topical consumer products, but how they trigger the reaction has remained somewhat of a mystery.

This is why we have often said that the number of skin conditions has increased dramatically since the advent of chemical cosmetics, and we continue to insist that chemical ingredients should be avoided as long as there is a skin problem.

We are confident that the chemical ingredients in conventional cosmetics irritate the skin. In fact, the barrier function was destroyed by the chemical ingredients. This is why we continue to plead that cosmetics containing chemical ingredients should not be used. It is not our intention to lead people to organic cosmetics by making them enemies of chemical. We recommend 100% natural and organic cosmetics, without chemical ingredients that the skin doesn't like, in order to repair skin in trouble. This is based on reality. Skin care cosmetics containing 100% natural ingredients can be used and moisturize even irritated skin such as rosacea and rosacea-like dermatitis without any problems.

Organic cosmetics

The question is whether 100% natural ingredients are enough. Even natural plant ingredients can cause skin irritation. The important thing is that the ingredients have a long history, dating back to the Edo period, the Heian period (794-1192) or 4,000 years of history in China, ancient Rome, and Egypt, and that they are known to be safe and effective for beauty. It is important that the ingredients are those that have been recognized as safe and effective for cosmetic purposes. The safety of chemical ingredients has only been known for the past 70-80 years, since cosmetics were made from petroleum-based raw materials. This is because many people have suffered from skin problems while using these cosmetics. Just because there are no problems after six months or a year of testing does not mean that we can be sure that they are really harmless and safe.

Several regulatory bodies have approved chemical cosmetic ingredients for their safety. However, animal testing has revealed their toxicity. As a result, the amount of ingredients that manufacturers can use is strictly regulated by law. The laws only say that the amount is safe because it is a very small amount. The fact that these products are used on women's precious faces means that they will continue to use them for 20 or 30 years, which is much longer than the experimental period. It is the same as experimenting on the human body to see what happens over a long period of time. As a result, a certain percentage of people develop inflammation, and dermatologists are unable to determine the true cause but prescribe anti-inflammatory steroids.

Another problem with chemical ingredients is that humans do not have the necessary enzymes in their bodies to break down synthetic ingredients that are not present in nature. It has been pointed out that once the ingredients enter the body, they are carried in the bloodstream and over time accumulate in the organs, producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can cause various diseases. The chemical ingredients, which are synthesized under high pressure and at temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius, cannot be broken down by the human body at about 36 degrees Celsius. As the recent plastic waste problem shows, nature does not destroy what is strange. So it's in human nature to feed on plants and animals that can be recycled in nature. Not only cosmetics, but also global warming and climate change are rapidly changing the global environment, and it is important to live with nature in mind.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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