Skin Cares

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Changing our cosmetic habits: how and where to start ?

I have often heard people say that "the cosmetics I used to use don't work for me anymore". Also, some people say they would like to try organic cosmetics, but don't know what to choose because there are so many different types. The main appeal of organic cosmetics, which are mainly made from natural plant extracts, is that they are gentle on the skin and safe to use. However, there are similar cosmetics such as natural, additive-free, and organic, so what is the difference ?

Changing our cosmetic habits: how and where to start ?

Recently, not only cosmetics but also foodstuffs such as vegetables and meat, textile products such as clothing and towels, and even restaurants have started to display organic labels, and interest in organic products is growing. However, there are no well-defined standards for cosmetics in the United States. Terms such as "natural", "additive-free" and "organic" are used freely depending on the standards of different brands and manufacturers. What are the criteria for choosing organic cosmetics that are safe, comfortable to use and suitable for your needs ?

Changing our cosmetic habits: how and where to start ?

Terms such as "additive-free", "natural" and "organic" are often used for skin care products such as lotions, serums, and creams, as well as foundations and powders. At first glance, all of these products are associated with organic cosmetics, but most are not. In fact, synthetic ingredients are added almost without exception. Native bacteria known as skin bacteria are very sensitive to synthetic ingredients. So when they are used, they are shaved off or killed, resulting in rough skin. In extreme cases, if even 0.1% of organic ingredients are used, the rest can be called organic even if it is made entirely from petroleum-derived chemical ingredients. The main advantage of organic cosmetics is that they nourish the native bacteria, preventing the growth of bad bacteria and maintaining a healthy barrier function.

True organic cosmetics are derived from ancient plant remedies that man learned from nature. In the past, people used loofah water, camellia oil, and rice bran to heal and repair the skin. Therefore, cosmetics with natural ingredients are made from plants containing micronutrients and trace elements, grown organically using compost and dead leaves, without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or other petroleum-based chemicals. No petroleum-based chemicals or ingredients are used in the production process and no skin-irritating ingredients are included, the key being that organic cosmetics are gentle on the skin. However, people who have been using chemical cosmetics for a long time may feel that the immediate effect is not enough. This is because organic cosmetics are slow-acting cosmetics. When choosing, there are so many different types that it can be confusing. Nevertheless, you should never make a choice based solely on the wording of an advertisement or the image of the container or package design. So, what are the steps to follow to make the right choice ?

Changing our cosmetic habits: how and where to start ?

The first thing to do is to check what type of plant is being used. You need to check whether they are imported or locally produced and where the raw materials come from. Some imported products carry the certification mark of an organic certification body, which is a good indication of safety. However, even with organic certification, standards are not uniform depending on the certification body, and some products are allowed to contain a certain amount of synthetic ingredients. Therefore, it is safer for beginners to use homemade products designed for human skin. Many advertisements do not list all ingredients, so it is safer to leave out products that cannot be verified. Indeed, in some cases, preservatives, fragrances, and solvents are used, and the manufacturer does not want to mention them. It is important to stay calm and not get caught up in the hype, even if the label has many beautiful pictures of plants and extracts, because it is an image strategy.

The plants and ingredients used in organic cosmetics vary. There are many types, such as argan oil, aloe vera, herbs, rosemary, jojoba oil, and rice fermentation extracts. If a product contains something you are allergic to or that is not suitable for your skin, you should stop using it immediately. The strength of the fragrance is also important: synthetic fragrances are the ones that don't disappear permanently. Natural scents fade in a few hours. You can find advice on organic cosmetics in department stores, natural cosmetics stores, or online. Also, if the products have a safe label (like USDA Organic), you can be relatively sure that they are natural and safe for your skin.  

Changing our cosmetic habits: how and where to start ?

Preservatives and preservatives used in organic cosmetics certified by organizations like USDA Organic are less effective natural ingredients, so they have a shorter use-by date than chemical cosmetics. After opening, try to consume the product within two months. Some types, such as lotion, should be stored in the refrigerator. It is also important to close the lid tightly after use to avoid sterilization and to handle it with clean hands. Finding the right organic cosmetics for you and caring for healthy skin while protecting the barrier function will keep your skin fresh, glowing, and beautiful as you age.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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