Skin Cares

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The Most Common Bad Skin Care Habits and Ways to Break Them

The Most Common Bad Skin Care Habits and Ways to Break Them

On my last summer vacation, I was lucky enough to share a long car ride with a young dermatologist, and we took the opportunity to exchange ideas about bad skin care habits. I won't hide it, I was really surprised by some of the points he shared with me. Some habits were not considered bad at all in my perception, and it wasn't until this meeting that I realized why I needed to reconsider how I interact with my skin.

Let's be honest: we are not all without sin. Although we know and adhere to the theory of a healthy lifestyle, we frequently violate or ignore these rules. Unfortunately, some bad habits that we sometimes don't even think about can seriously damage the beauty and health of our skin over time. They say the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a new good one. We suggest you don't put this off until the new year or even Monday, but start changing today. Let's start with the first step: identifying the problems and looking for solutions to solve them.

Sleeping in makeup

Bad Skin Care Habits - Sleeping in makeup

There are nights when just the thought of the upcoming wash is tiring. Especially when you have to remove cosmetics with a special tool first, and then finish the wash with a gel or foam. It happens to everyone, and you can understand this reluctance to wash. But did you know that you're about to start one of the most dangerous bad skin care habits ?

Throughout the day, dirt, dust, bacteria, and excess oil mixed with sweat accumulate on the surface of the skin. Makeup is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, which will not fail to take advantage of this opportunity. By mixing with the microbes that live on the pillow, the bacteria disrupt the skin's microbiome so much that in the morning, one can find entire pockets of inflammation. Treating such inflammation will require much more than ten minutes of careful attention before bed.

During sleep, the skin continues to secrete sebum, a natural protective lubricant. Mixed with makeup and dead skin cells, the oil won't be able to exit the pores normally; it will clog them, causing acne to worsen to some degree.

How can you break this bad skin care habit ?

Have products that combine the properties of a makeup remover and a gel cleanser for these cases. Every day, of course, it's best to cleanse in two separate steps: micellar water (hydrophilic oil) and gel (foam, scum), but in extreme cases, a multi-functional remedy will be life-saving.

Keep a pack of cleansing wipes on your bedside table. If you've already "sinned" and are lying in bed with makeup on, you'll have fewer excuses not to clean your skin.

Putting on makeup while exercising

Bad Skin Care Habits - Putting on makeup while exercising

Another common mistake is to exercise while wearing makeup. Yes, it seems there are a lot of bad skin care habits related to makeup 😊

Dermatologically speaking, makeup and sweat do not mix. When the temperature rises, the body is cooled by perspiration, and sweat comes out of the pores. If you cover your pores with a layer of makeup, it causes a blockage. Sweat, bacteria, and makeup are now mixed together in the pores, creating an ideal environment for inflammation.

How to break this bad habit ?

Of course, you should remove your makeup before you work out. Put a bottle of micellar water and a pack of cotton pads in your gym bag.

Postponing showering after a workout

Bad Skin Care Habits - Postponing showering after a workout

Speaking about exercising, one of the bad skin care habits associated with this topic is not showering immediately after exercising. Indeed, some people put off showering for several hours after a workout, which is harmful to the skin.

This is because when we exercise, our bodies produce a lot of sweat. And this sweat can get into the tight clothes we wear. This can eventually lead to rashes and other skin problems.

How to avoid such consequences ?

To avoid this, take a shower immediately after your workout. Thoroughly clean your skin, especially areas where you've been in contact with gym equipment. Sometimes gym equipment is not cleaned properly, which can lead to rashes and inflammation if you don't get rid of the bacteria.

If you can't shower right after your workout, change your clothes and clean your face with a washcloth and an effective skin cleanser.

Touching your face

Bad Skin Care Habits - Touching your face

Yes, touching your face can be considered a skin-destroying habit, and it's the first item on a list of bad skin care habits associated with the gestures we make to react on our skin.

You may not even notice it, but you're constantly touching your face. Unless your skin's microbiota is disrupted, bacteria from hand contact may not be a threat. But if the integrity of your skin is disrupted (microlesions, acne, insect bites), touching yourself with dirty hands adds a secondary infection, which causes skin inflammation.

The same is true for cell phones. Bacteria and grease accumulated on the phone can clog the pores in your cheeks and ears when you make calls. If your inflammation is concentrated in the area of your cheeks and temples where you usually hold your phone, it's probably due to bacteria on its surface.

How to stop touching your face ?

Try to control your touching. Of course, you won't be able to eliminate it completely, but in situations where you feel like rubbing your face with your palm, resting your chin on your hand, or scratching your nose with dirty hands, try to avoid doing so. Wash your hands often, always before washing, putting on makeup, or applying makeup.

The same goes for phones. Minimize their contact with your skin by using headphones during calls. Wipe down the gadgets themselves daily with alcohol wipes.

Acting mechanically on the skin's inflammation

Acting mechanically on the skin's inflammation

You may think there's nothing wrong with scratching and pawing at your skin, but it's often one of the bad skin care habits everyone needs to break right now.

Skin problems are not an ordeal for the shy. Inflammation is the cause of psychological discomfort, so the desire to help it disappear quickly makes sense. Hands are often stretched to tear off a hated pimple; it seems that by removing the contents of the tubercle, the healing process will be accelerated. But only a specialist can properly remove the inflammation: the strength of the pressure, the sense of movement and the technique are important here. The cosmetologist knows how to get the contents out completely with minimal impact.

Pressing a button alone can damage blood vessels. The result is a long healing time and a non-transient red spot. Popping and squeezing causes instant swelling of the tissue, blocking the outward flow of pus. This worsens the situation and threatens further inflammation. Another possible nuisance is the addition of a secondary infection, which will require prolonged treatment.

How can we fight this skin-destroying habit ?

Instead of mechanical action, try an ultrasonic cleaning procedure. It will remove dead skin cells, speed up the maturation and healing of inflamed acne elements, and remove open and closed comedones.

For this procedure, you will need an ultrasonic cleaning machine and a special gel to loosen and soften the top layer of the skin before the procedure.

Using antibacterial agents systematically

Bad Skin Care Habits - Using antibacterial agents systematically

Hand washing is a necessity. However, scientists are seriously concerned about the consequences of the widespread use of antibacterial soaps and disinfectants. Total disinfectant hygiene contributes to the emergence of superbugs, or microorganisms that are resistant to antibacterial agents.

I initially struggled to accept the idea that using antibacterial hand sanitizers is part of bad skin care habits. But when the dermatologist explained his idea to me, I immediately bought into it.

Indeed, antiseptics kill not only the pathogenic microflora but also the beneficial bacteria that the body needs to protect itself. Violation of the microbiome of the skin leads to an increase in its sensitivity, the development of allergic reactions, itching, scaling, and dryness.

Here are some tips to break this habit:

For normal daily hand hygiene, ordinary soap is enough; it is not necessary to use antibacterial agents. Save them for special or extreme circumstances, such as visits to health facilities, hygiene in contact with sick people, cleaning in public places, or travel without access to water.

Not drinking enough water

Bad Skin Care Habits - Not Drinking Enough Water

In my opinion, this is one of the worst things for your skin and is the starting point for a series of bad skin care habits related to skin hydration.

Indeed, water has a huge impact on a person, starting with the fact that the body is primarily made up of water. Water promotes metabolism, keeps the skin hydrated, and keeps all organs functioning.

When you forget to drink water (that is, pure water, not tea, coffee, soft drinks, or fruit juices), your body loses fluids, which also affects the condition of your skin. Skin dehydration manifests itself as dryness, tightness, and the appearance of fake wrinkles. Dehydration can affect all skin types, including oily skin.

How can I remember to drink water ?

It is important to drink enough pure, non-carbonated water every day. The recommended minimum is 1.5 liters per day. But remember to listen to your body: you should not force it to drink. Just make sure you have constant access to water throughout the day; sometimes the simple lack of water at hand becomes the cause of dehydration. Put a glass of water on your desk and carry a water bottle in your bag.

If you forget water, you can set reminders on your phone or install special apps that will help you make drinking water a good habit.

Another life hack: it turns out that many people find it easier to drink water through a straw. Try it.

Double the benefits: every time you drink water, irrigate your face with thermal water. What could be better than hydration both inside and out?

Not properly moisturizing your skin

Bad Skin Care Habits - Not Moisturizing your skin

Besides drinking water, moisturizing is the second most important thing you can do for your skin. If you just stick to the proper moisturizing process, you'll go a long way in the fight against bad skin care habits.

Hydrated skin is simply more beautiful. Younger, brighter, firmer, more even; yes, hydration can do all of that. More importantly, good moisturizer provides a barrier that protects the skin from dehydration and prevents pollution and other free radicals from damaging skin cells and prematurely aging it.

Yet many of us don't moisturize our skin properly.

How can I be sure that my skin will be properly hydrated ?

The first step is to identify your skin type and needs. Someone with typically dry skin will need a different strategy to keep their skin hydrated than someone with oilier skin. Climate and weather conditions also play a role.

Regardless of skin type or environment, daily moisturizing is essential for everyone. It's all about using the right formulas and ingredients.

Dry skin generally needs more emollient ingredients like shea butter or vegetable oils like avocado oil. People with dry skin should also consider moisturizing their skin in layers. Start with moisturizing mists, then light moisturizing serums, and finish with a moisturizing cream.

By layering products in this way, skin will stay supple longer and be able to absorb the nutrients it needs to stay balanced

Those with oily skin may only need a light lotion or facial serum containing ingredients such as aloe vera or hemp oil, which will revitalize the skin without making it oily and heavy. Attempting to remove all traces of oil from oily skin can cause the skin to overcompensate by producing more oil that clogs pores.

Normal and combination skin will need a mixture of the above recommendations. A good idea is to use light serums and lotions during the day and reserve the more emollient formulas for the night, so the skin has all night to use the moisturizing ingredients.

Using harsh skin care methods and products

Bad Skin Care Habits - Using Harsh Products

Sure, the feeling of clean pores is an amazing feeling, but with dead skin cells, you can strip away the skin's protective layer necessary for its natural function. So don't overdo peels and scrubs with overly abrasive structures, or even switch to a lighter glycolic acid-based formula and use it three times a week.

In particular cases, some bad skin care habits can have more serious effects. This is especially true for people with oily skin. This category often suffers from excess sebum, inflammation, and clogged pores. The natural reflex is to use drying, anti-inflammatory, and sebum-regulating agents to treat these conditions. However, their actions can dry out the skin, dehydrate it and cause an even greater release of sebum, a protective lubricant. As a result, clogged pores will reappear, with inflammation only against a background of dull, flaky skin.

How to avoid this situation ?

Our advice is to exfoliate during your shower. Simply scrub your body gently but firmly in large circular motions. The best way to exfoliate your legs or back is to use a scrub brush that will allow you to easily reach the back of your legs or behind your shoulder blades. 

Oily skin care involves the use of products with sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory ingredients. However, these products should not replace quality skin moisturizing in your beauty routine. Oily skin needs to be moisturized as much as dry skin. For example, you can choose a cleansing gel and a toner for oily skin, which dry out inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria. But be sure to follow them with a moisturizer. You don't have to use a cream with a dense texture; a fluid or gel-cream is just fine.

Neglecting sunscreen

Bad Skin Care Habits - Neglecting Sunscreen

The topic of bad skin care habits related to the use of products was a major part of the conversation. The most common mistake in this regard, according to my travel companion, is skipping the sunscreen.

Winter doesn't mean you can ignore SPF. If the sun is shining, its harmful rays can still damage your delicate skin. Even on cloudy days, when you think you're safe, it's best to apply SPF 50 sunscreen before going outside.

The best way to protect your skin from wrinkles and age spots is to choose a product with at least SPF 30. This means it contains formulas with Mexoryl and Helioplex filters, which offer the longest-lasting protection. If the sun is still active when leaving the house, it is worth applying a second layer of cream, and in the wild, the procedure should be repeated every 2 hours.

How to make sure you always wear sunscreen ?

Always carry sunscreen in your purse. If your budget allows, buy a second cream and place it right next to the door of your house (on the shoe rack or any other piece of furniture near the door). This will help you remember to put the sunscreen on before you go out.

Using the wrong products

Bad Skin Care Habits - Using the wrong Products

When you use the wrong product once, it doesn't really matter. But when it's frequent, it can become harmful. That's why we've added this point to the list of bad skin care habits that you need to get rid of. Simply because the effectiveness of the products you choose to take care of your skin depends mainly on their suitability for your skin type. In other words, if you have oily skin but choose products designed for dry skin, your skin care regimen will probably not be effective.

Using products that are not intended for your skin type is a very common mistake.

How to choose the right products ?

Here are the basic rules for choosing the right products for each skin type:

Oily skin: Choose a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. It's best to eliminate oily highlights with oil-free lotions and moisturize the skin with a mutant serum containing aluminum silicate in its composition. It is important to remember to exfoliate the skin with a product containing glycolic acid at least once a week.

For sensitive skin, it is best to cleanse the skin with a cleansing milk. Use non-irritating moisturizing textures.

If you have combination skin, opt for an oily skin cleanser in the form of a foam. For the T-zone, use lighter textures, and for the dry zone, more saturated textures.

For age-related skin care, it is best to choose a product containing retinol, or kenitine and matrixyl.

If you have dry skin, choose to clean with soap-free creams and moisturize with products containing trehalose.

Maintaining the same skin care routine throughout the year

Bad Skin Care Habits - Maintaining the same skincare routine

You change your wardrobe from season to season, so why not do the same with your skin care ? Sometimes it's better not to have a routine than to have an inappropriate one. It's not always easy to believe, but it's also one of the most common bad skin care habits.

Sure, you may have your staple products that you use year-round, but when the weather changes, it's essential to change your usual routine to care for your skin.

What should I do to adapt my skin routine to each season ?

Sometimes it's as simple as layering a moisturizing serum over your moisturizer or using a cream instead of a lighter moisturizing lotion. It can be as simple as using a clay mask once a week in the summer to help balance oil and a moisturizing mask in the winter to keep skin from becoming dry and flaky.

Keep in mind that your skin type may also start to change a bit, which means you need different products to keep it healthy. If you're not sure, schedule seasonal visits with skin professionals such as your dermatologist or an esthetician to help you create season-specific solutions for your skin.

Neglecting the order of skin care application

Bad Skin Care Habits - Neglecting the order of Skincare application

Did you know that there is actually a right and wrong order to apply your skin care products? And if you're not applying them in the right order, it's one of the bad skin care habits that you need to break if you want to get results with the medications you use. Incorrect application of skin care products can prevent them from being fully absorbed by your skin, which prevents them from doing their job.

In what order should I apply my skin care products ?

For best results in the morning, you should: cleanse the skin, apply a toner, use a serum (optional but helpful if you want optimal results), eye cream, moisturizer, and SPF. At night: cleanse, tone, apply an acne treatment if needed, use a serum, eye cream, and apply a night cream. If you want to use a facial oil, you can apply it at night so that it is absorbed while you sleep.

Overloading the skin with many skin care products

Bad Skin Care Habits - Overloading the Skin

Unreasonable use of cosmetics is very harmful to the skin in that the ingredients that make up different products can simply conflict with each other.

The most common example of this type of bad skin care habits is mixing several products containing active ingredients that may decrease the effectiveness of each product.

What is the solution ?

To avoid clogging your skin with blemishes, adopt a simple morning skincare routine, which cleanses, tones, and moisturizes the skin while targeting blemishes. For example, avoid using products containing retinol, glycolic acid (AHA), vitamin C, and benzene peroxide at the same time, or use them at different times of the day.

Using the same towel for a long time

Bad Skin Care Habits - Not changing the Towel

Did you know that the towel you dry yourself with is a breeding ground for hundreds of bacteria? It can harbor mold, yeast, and other things you definitely don't want to come into contact with your skin. Otherwise, you risk inflammation, skin irritation, or something worse.

What to do ?

If you use any type of towel, you need to make sure you change or wash it regularly. The facial towel should be reused every day. Don't wash it with irritating detergents, as this can cause skin problems. Do not use scented laundry detergent ! And if you use a washcloth, be sure to clean it frequently and let it dry completely before each use.

Having a poor lifestyle

Bad Habits - Unhealthy Lifestyle

I think the root of all bad skin care habits is often related to a poor lifestyle. A lack of willpower and organization can simply make you not committed to the skin care process. However, your skin is a reflection of your overall health, and your lifestyle choices will affect the largest and most visible organ in your body.

Sleep is how our body regains its strength. Lack of sleep puts a lot of stress on the body, which can lead to serious skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Some studies show that people who eat unprocessed grains and protein-rich foods are less likely to be overweight, or have skin problems. Why ? Foods containing large amounts of glucose increase blood sugar levels and therefore insulin. Insulin, in turn, stimulates the production of the hormone androgen, which is responsible for the production of fat in the body, leading to the appearance of acne. In order to provide the body with healthy fats that improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails, it is best to replace unhealthy foods with avocados, peanut butter, and nuts.

On the other hand, the effects of alcohol and tobacco on the skin cannot be overlooked. Indeed, a large amount of alcohol is very harmful to the skin. It dries out our bodies considerably, which needs extra fluids to balance the moisture. Smoking, on the other hand, is not only harmful to health but also leads to the appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of the condition and complexion.

So it's time to rethink your lifestyle.

As you can see, correcting some beauty mistakes isn't difficult at all. Remember, no one is perfect, but eliminating a few bad skin care habits from your daily beauty routine is enough to make you less frustrated. Once you do, you'll find that you've automatically adopted many healthy skin care habits.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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