Skin Cares

Skin & Care


The perfect steps to build an effective skin care routine

Organic skin care for all skin types is a healthy and necessary habit to adopt and maintain in order to obtain and preserve healthy, smooth, and hydrated skin. Many people think that these treatments are a waste of time and can be avoided. However, by doing so, they put their skin at risk by making it prone to:

  • Various infections.
  • Accumulation of toxins.
  • Blackheads, acne and pimples.
  • Acceleration of the consequences of aging
  • Exacerbation of imperfections typical of a specific skin type.

The skin care program is not difficult. Just try to keep your face clean and free of skin imperfections. Just follow a few basic guidelines to develop an appropriate and customized program for your skin type.

Morning Skin care routine

The composition of the different organic programs according to skin type

Organic cosmetic treatments include both basic and advanced treatments. This means that they have to be customized according to your skin type, age, and season:

For dry skin, the organic program should contain nutrient-dense products to combat dryness while rebuilding and maintaining the protective barrier, which deteriorates when the skin is exposed to external agents and allergens.

For oily skin, effective treatment is essential, such as proper and effective washing and shrinking of the pores, as well as balancing the compositions and reducing sebum production.

Combination skin is the most problematic type of skin, so it is necessary to perform a customized bio-treatment in a balanced approach with products appropriate for this type of skin, or with products for oily skin in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and products for dry skin on the cheeks and around the eyes.

Types of skin

Even if your skin is balanced and free of imperfections, it must be maintained gently, and special cosmetics must be used to protect it.

For older skin, collagen and elastin levels decrease with age. In this circumstance, in addition to the bath, creams or serums that are rich in active substances able to penetrate deep into the skin and support the production of proteins are essential to keep the skin young and supple.

For youthful skin, the steps of your personalized bio-care routine will be strongly focused on keeping the skin fresh, clear, and supple.

It is also advisable for all skin types to maintain an organic regimen throughout the summer season, which includes the use of moisturizing lotions and oils to prevent moisture loss and excessive dryness. However, during the colder months, it is advisable to use a serum or cream with a less moisturizing and smoother texture that maintains a good hydrological balance.

Organic daily program : Morning care

Organic skin care for any type of skin starts with a gentle awakening of the skin in the morning. Indeed, at night, the skin is not at rest but in full activity thanks to what is called cell regeneration, which allows better microcirculation, regeneration and self-renewal of the dead skin.

Where to start ? The famous three-step rule of skincare states that to be effective, any skincare program must reflect the following three actions: wash, restore, and protect.

So, the first thing to do in the morning is to properly wash your face. This is an important step given the problem of excessive sebum production, much of which occurs at night.

To be more concrete, we will not limit ourselves to generalities, and we will detail step-by-step the effective care routine of the morning.

Skin morning routine

Cleansing: For all skin types, the first step in morning care is to wash the face with water to eliminate signs of fatigue and remove excess oil and dead skin cells. It is recommended to use cold water in the morning to tighten the skin and reduce pores.

It is not necessary to do a deep cleanse in the morning, so opt for a gentle cleanser with a dual function (exfoliating-moisturizing) to better prepare the skin for the next steps. It is recommended to use products rich in natural, gentle, and well-chosen ingredients.

Toning: Even if it is often ignored, toning is a vital part of any organic skin care program for all skin types. In fact, its role is to restore the skin's natural acidity balance. It is especially important because of the interaction with "hard" tap water, which is high in calcium. Without toner, simply washing the face allows calcium to build up on the skin, causing undesirable effects. Using a toner helps the active ingredients in your favorite cream penetrate deeper into the skin and be more useful to your skin.

Protecting: Applying a moisturizing face cream is the last step in the morning organic skin care routine. It allows all skin types to be relaxed, moisturized, and prepared for the stress of the new day, especially in an urban environment. Of course, the cream should be chosen according to your skin type and specific needs.

Usually, as soon as we put on our makeup and leave the house, we can go a long day without washing our faces. This can lead to dehydration, irritation, and clogged pores. In addition, the skin is the external organ that is exposed to all the pollutants that cross our path throughout the day. It is not good to keep everything on your skin. That's why it's important to adopt a good nighttime skin care routine.

Organic daily program : night care

An organic skin care ritual at the night, before going to bed, is essential for every type of skin. Unlike in the morning, our skin needs to be cleansed and prepared for the biological processes that occur naturally at night after being stressed all day and exposed to various external stimuli (UV rays, bacteria, pollution, etc.).

Skin night routine

Cleansing: Makeup remover is an essential product that every woman should have. It removes all traces of makeup, leaving the skin clean, able to breathe freely, and ready for the next treatments. The pores, now free of makeup and pollutants of the day, can be saturated with the active compounds contained in the used creams and serums.

The second part of the evening organic routine is to use warm water to enlarge the pores. Any redness will subside overnight, and the skin will be clear and radiant the next morning.

Toning : We have already explained the role of this step in the morning routine. The toner is a special product that can be used morning and night as part of an organic skin care routine for all skin types.

Nourishing and protecting the skin: Unlike in the morning, the skin needs to be nourished quickly in order to begin its biological regeneration process that occurs during the night. This is why it is preferable to use serums in the evening. A serum, unlike a cream, has a lighter form and texture that is absorbed in a few minutes without weighing down the skin before bedtime.

Overall, no one disputes the importance of adopting an effective skin care routine. However, not all of us are committed to this, and we still need to force ourselves to take care of one of the most valuable components of our bodies.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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