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A Look at Morocco's Best Kept Beauty Secret, Moroccan Argan Oil

Moroccan Argan oil, often called "liquid gold," "green gold," or "treasure gold," is an organic product extracted from the fruits of the argan tree and has been the Berbers' beauty secret in Morocco. Moroccan women have used argan oil for centuries, but now the oil has found its place within Hollywood's beauty industry. Moroccan organic oil is extremely rich in beneficial nutrients such as fatty acids and vitamin E, with three times as much vitamin E as olive oil has. These properties make it a powerful combination for healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as overall health. Today, most high-end beauty and hair supplies have argan oil listed in their ingredients because it's not greasy and irritating and can be compatible with all skin types.

Argan Oil

Moroccan women have long used argan oil as an anti-aging treatment and to protect their skin from sun damage.

Although argan oil's anti-aging effect was only ever backed by anecdotal evidence, a recent study with postmenopausal participants was able to back up that claim. Scientists discovered that a combination of oral and cosmetic argan oil could significantly increase skin elasticity, which is essential to slowing down the skin's aging process. 

Another study discovered that the antioxidants in Moroccan argan oil could protect the skin from free radical damage caused by sun exposure. As a result, it can prevent burns and hyperpigmentation and, in the long term, the development of skin cancer, including melanoma.

Why is Moroccan organic oil described as "liquid gold"?

It is rare.

Argan is a rare tree and endemic to the semi-desert area of Southern Morocco that doesn't grow anywhere else in the world. Every other year, the tree bears fruit whose kernels are used to make this golden oil. 

Argan tree

Time-consuming process

Women crush kernels by hand, grind them into a thick paste-like nut butter, and then squeeze them to produce organic oil, which is an extremely time-consuming and manual process. They collect 30 to 50 kilos of fruit that yield from seven trees to produce one liter of oil. Also, they can't pick the fruit straight from the tree as it has sharp thorns.

The pure and original Argan is a precious commodity produced and shipped from Southern Morocco, which ensures that none of its incredible nutrients are lost.

However, with Argan oil's growing popularity, more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon, using the argan oil name to launch their cheap cosmetics. To reduce their costs, they produce argan oils that are completely fake, diluted, or over-processed in a lab somewhere in China. They contain just a tiny proportion of argan oil, with the rest of the bottle being made up of synthetic filler ingredients and nasty chemicals. Besides, they are not cold-pressed, which means some of their nutrients can be lost during hot pressing. 

How has this oil improved Moroccan women's literacy?

Decades ago, in rural areas, Berber women were only allowed to go out of the house when accompanied by their husband, eldest son, or mother-in-law. In Berber culture, producing argan oil has long been considered women's work.

Women working on Argan

Berbers have been making argan oil since the 13th century, and the method had changed a little when they established co-ops. 

It takes a woman a day or two to produce one liter of oil. She gets around 25 euros for it, but a liter sells for up to ten times that amount in Germany and the US.

The Berber women are oblivious to what the pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies make with their oil, but the money they receive has completely changed their lives. With their income, they can send their children to school or shop for things without having to ask their husbands for money. 

Many of them now want to be literate. Today, almost half of all Moroccans are illiterate, and illiteracy rates among rural women are even higher. They say they are entirely different than a decade ago. Back then, they were illiterate and naive. Through the Argan Oil co-ops, they've acquired literacy skills that can communicate and negotiate with anyone. It's about more than just earning money; their identities have changed. The women have also established a tree nursery. The Argan seedlings need to be specially nurtured as rainfall is unreliable in Morocco and these women's independence is reliant on the survival of the Argan trees. 

This traditional know-how is systematically transmitted by women who teach their daughters from a young age to put it into practice. UNESCO added the Argan tree’s "practices and know-how" to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Argan is an important source of income for Morocco’s rural southwestern population, especially women. So, by buying Moroccan Argan Oil, you can participate in ensuring sustainable development (especially women's activities) in the southern Moroccan region.

How Can Argan Oil Benefit You?

Berber women have combated harsh climates for centuries by manually extracting argan oil and using it as a natural anti-aging serum and skin moisturizer. They also use argan oil for cooking, flavoring local dishes, and making things like nut butter (Amlou) from its paste for their breakfast.

Argan Oil

Argan oil has traditionally been used both topically and orally for protecting skin against sun damage, improving the complexion, hair, and nails. It contains vitamins and several different beneficial properties that form a powerful combination to boost skin health.

The single biggest misconception about argan oil is that it can cause breakouts, particularly if you suffer from oily skin. But this is further from the truth as argan oil is not greasy and, on the contrary, balances the sebum production in our skin.

Moroccan organic oil is smooth and silky, absorbing into your hair and skin in just a few minutes. It will heal, soften, and condition everything from cuticles to split ends.

Hair loss affects, unfortunately, many men and women around the world each year, and argan oil is one of the best oils that you can use to prevent and try to slow down this process. Argan oil contains lots of different nutrients which help improve the micro blood circulation to the scalp, making your hair sensibly stronger.

Who else is excited to pamper their skin with the world's best-kept beauty secrets ?

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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