Skin Cares

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Steps to ensure a smooth skin care transition from summer to fall

Steps to ensure a smooth skin care transition from summer to fall

The warm sunny days are already coming to an end, and our skin is waiting for the test of low temperatures, humidity, and wind. Fall is a time of transition when the skin, so used to the heat and sun, adapts to the cold. But you can take care of it by planning the transition to fall skin care. Here are the experts' tips for a healthy and effective skin care transition.

1- Treat post-summer skin imperfections

Treat post-summer skin imperfections

Whether you're enjoying the pleasures of a beach vacation, hiding from the hustle and bustle of your favorite country home, or spending the warmer months in the city, your skin can feel exhausted after summer. This is always the case, even if you don't neglect sunscreen and moisturize regularly. The negative impact of seasonal factors cannot be avoided. So the first thing to do after your summer vacation is over is to restore your skin.

In a previous article, we have already detailed the effective and simple ways to restore your skin after the summer.

2- Don't stop using sunscreen

Don't stop using sunscreen.

This is one of the most common mistakes after summer. The sun is still active in the fall, so no one should break this rule for skin care! Sun protection is important the whole year round. During the cold season, SPF 20-30 is sufficient. Use a BB cream, makeup base, or foundation with sun protection.

This rule does not apply to sensitive or hyperpigmented skin, which requires at least SPF 50 all year round !

3- Moisturize and nourish your skin properly

Moisturize and nourish your skin properly

In the fall, we're moving away from light products like gels for a bit. And now, we're choosing options with a more saturated and dense texture, but that aren't heavy! They should be more saturated and dense, but not too heavy. They protect the skin from extreme temperatures and dry indoor air. In the fall, face and body care products make their own adjustments. If you were using a lotion in the summer, now choose a cream that suits your skin type.

As usual, look for hyaluronic acid and glycerin in the composition. And also ceramides, squalane and niacinamide (vitamins E and B3). These components will create a protective barrier on the surface of the epidermis. Apply the cream beforehand, 30 minutes before walking.

Also choose products containing oils, as the skin now needs intensive nutrition. Oils will support the lipid layer of the epidermis, which is responsible for the youthfulness of your skin!  So use oils every few days. But for oily skin, choose products carefully.

And forget about clay masks for now. They dry out the skin, which is already stressed by high temperatures.

4- Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliate your skin

In autumn, the desquamation process of the keratinized particles of the epidermis slows down. This is why the skin becomes dull and rough. It is therefore important to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. It will be transformed.

You can exfoliate the skin with acids or do a peel with abrasive particles. This will help you get rid of flakes, excess oil, and dry skin. And the valuable components of cosmetic skin care products will be able to penetrate deeper into the skin and bring you more benefits.

But be careful; you must exfoliate properly and gently to avoid damaging your skin. When it comes to exfoliation, the most important thing is to be measured because scrubs and peels can hurt delicate skin, disrupt the lipid layer of the epidermis and cause irritation.

5- Choose the right products

Choose the right products

Fall skincare and facials have brought back the acid products that are effective in getting skin back in shape (but don't forget the sunscreen!).

Start with the basics of products containing acids. By the end of summer, your skin will be getting used to these skin care products. As you use them, you can increase their concentration. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Don't leave acidic products on your skin for too long and don't use them often.

And if you're new to using these products, start with mild AHAs. This option is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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