Skin Cares

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Synthetic additives to avoid in cases of rosacea and rosacea-like dermatitis

If you go to a shopping mall's cosmetic section, you will find a wide range of cosmetic products from different manufacturers displayed in a large area. If you pick up a product and look at the label, you will see codes and alphabetical characters for synthetic surfactants, synthetic polymers, moisturizers, preservatives, etc. Pop ads say things like "for dry, sensitive skin" or "plant clarity," and young women buy the products and make serious choices. Many are unaware of the long-term effects of these products on their skin.

Over time, we can no longer escape synthetic chemical ingredients. This applies to both food and cosmetics.

Nowadays, you may create tastes like crab or mushroom at will by combining synthetic ingredients with the proper white powder. Tsukasa Abe, widely known as the "Japanese God of Additives," is a guy who has published several books about food additives, including "What Should I Eat." When he came home one night, he found his granddaughter eating meatballs he had bought at the supermarket, saying they were delicious and tasty. When Mr. Abe saw it, he was horrified. It was a meatball that he had developed himself. He created exquisite meatballs with outstanding color and flavor by slicing up leftover meat that was ready to be thrown away and adding a white powdered ingredient, which became a popular product that sold like hotcakes throughout Japan. Mr. Abe abandoned his work and turned around when he spotted his granddaughter enjoying them. Since then, he has been delivering talks to demonstrate the dangers of additives. He has repeatedly demonstrated that food additives have an impact on the skin as well.

Nowadays, knowledgeable housewives fight on a daily basis to choose meals with less food additives. This is due to their awareness of the dangers of synthetic food additives. The authorities impose severe limits on the quantity of chemicals that manufacturers may incorporate in their goods, even if they are safe. This is due to the fact that synthetic chemicals are mostly harmful to the human body. The Pharmaceutical Affairs Act establishes a "negative list" and a "positive list" for additives used in cosmetics. Therefore, many laws require cosmetics to be registered when they are created, sold or imported.

The negative list specifies what is prohibited in cosmetics, whereas the positive list specifies how much preservatives, UV absorbers, and tar dyes can be included in each 100g of cosmetics. Even in small concentrations, synthetic substances cannot be broken down by the body and can accumulate in the body over years of continuous use, causing skin problems and straining the liver and kidneys. They generate active oxygen, which damages cells and contributes to disease and cancer.

According to some reports, the United States presently has over 110,000 cosmetic shops. Surprisingly, incidences of poisoning are seldom formally documented in this vast number of stores, despite the fact that the majority of them display items in less-than-ideal conditions. This might be because most people do not link skin issues with the products they use, or because significant quantities of preservatives are added to cosmetic items so that they do not degrade when exposed; most cosmetic products do not deteriorate even when left outside for a year. They also do not deteriorate while being carried and kept at home. The same may be stated about some food products. Cosmetic products are unlikely to deteriorate on display because you never know when they will be sold. Even after opening the bottle after purchase, it would be a tragedy if the product deteriorated and caused skin damage. This is why cosmetics contain a lot of preservatives.

When preservatives enter the body along with food, the intestinal bacteria in the stomach are affected. Preservatives in cosmetics can eradicate or kill the good bacteria that live on the surface of the skin and protect it.  With the loss of natural bacteria, the gut environment in the stomach deteriorates and harmful bacteria begin to grow on the skin. This reduces the body's general immunity and causes skin issues.

It doesn't end there in the realm of cosmetics. In reality, synthetic surfactants damage the barrier function, which inhibits beauty elements from accessing the skin. Moisture evaporates and the skin gets dry when the barrier function is compromised. Allergenic elements from the outside may permeate deeper and deeper into the epidermis, causing skin disorders such as sensitive skin and rosacea. During a dermatologist consultation, steroids and protopics are recommended to treat the problem, but if they are taken for an extended period of time, rosacea-like dermatitis develops, with a considerable rise in the number of instances. When this occurs, people find it difficult to comprehend the person's concern and pain. When the inflammation is severe, all cosmetic products must be avoided due to allergies, and even washing the face may become uncomfortable and painful. Some individuals are obliged to take time off or abandon their occupations if they work face-to-face with others.

However, even if they focus on treatment, they don't improve as much as they would like and become mentally depressed. Some people are so exhausted that they feel hopeless about life. We are not exaggerating. It is beyond the imagination of the world today. They have no one around them to talk to and feel so alone that they feel like the world is ending. They wonder why they are the only ones in this situation.

My advice to people who are struggling with rosacea is to never give up, because it can always be improved. The first step is to stop using cosmetic products that contain synthetic ingredients. If you switch to skin care products with 100% natural ingredients, you will be able to moisturize your skin without irritating it and it will get better and better. If you have rosacea or rosacea-like dermatitis, you should also avoid foods with food additives, spicy foods and alcohol.

It takes time for the redness to disappear, but taking "glyconutrients" has proven to be effective. Some serums, which contain a high concentration of human stem cell culture fluid, have been used by many people with rosacea and rosacea dermatitis because they hydrate the skin without irritating it. They act on the skin's stem cells to help improve the skin from the inside. We hope you will remember this knowledge and look forward to a brighter future as soon as possible.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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