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Pollen allergy: symptoms, prevention and treatment

The world's attention is focused on the new influenza viruses that are emerging. However, seasonal rhinitis (hay fever) also deserves particular attention. In fact, in 2018, approximately 24 million people in the United States were diagnosed with this seasonal allergy.

Hay fever is a reaction to cedar and cypress pollen. It causes symptoms such as runny nose, congestion and sneezing, which can be very painful for the sufferer. It is often known as "Seasonal Rhinitis" and usually begins in the spring when certain allergy-prone trees release their pollen into the air. Later, other allergy-causing plants release their pollen throughout the summer and into mid-October. 

Many medications have been developed to suppress or alleviate hay fever, so it is difficult to know which one to choose. But first, there are some important points to consider. If the immune system is not functioning properly against allergies, it cannot be fully effective. By taking the proper steps, symptoms can be significantly reduced or even eliminated.

Today, hay fever requires more attention than usual because of the new flu viruses. Itchy eye rubbing increases the risk of infection, and poor ventilation increases exposure to pollen. Rubbing itchy eyes and the nose can allow viruses on the hands to stick to the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, which can then cause an infection. As sneezing worsens, the risk of infecting others through droplets increases. That's why measures need to be strengthened now. Hay fever has similar symptoms to the flu, such as fatigue and nasal congestion. It is important to consult a health care professional immediately if you develop a fever or any other change in taste or smell. Cedar pollen has already dispersed in most areas, so it is advisable to act as soon as possible.

When bacteria or viruses enter the human body, the immune system reacts by fighting them. This causes allergic reactions such as fever, pain, and itching. However, unlike the penetration of bacteria and viruses, the immune system does not react to the pollen itself. It reacts because of the detection of a foreign enemy and begins to attack it out of fear of causing a malfunction in the system. Therefore, when pollen invades the system, it malfunctions, causing sneezing, a runny nose, and congestion. So why does the immune system react abnormally? It is an abnormality in the sugar chains of the antennae that allow cells to exchange information with each other that prevents the immune system from functioning properly.

Hay fever does not seem to be caused solely by airborne pollen. In fact, pollen is more prevalent in rural areas near cedar forests, which are much more numerous than in urban areas. If pollen dispersal is the only cause, it should be more common in rural areas near cedar forests. The most frequently mentioned factor is the effect of particulate matter and sulfur oxides emitted by diesel engines and other vehicles. The prevailing theory is that chemicals released into the atmosphere cause chemical sensitivity and immunodeficiency, which are the basis of allergies, and that this can lead to a strong reaction to pollen. In addition, some research also points to the possible links between these allergies and environmental hormones that are caused by instant and gastronomic diets, agricultural production and distribution systems that prioritize economy over safety, environmental pollution and water contamination, etc.

Research on hay fever is progressing daily, and a number of therapeutic treatments, including anti-allergy drugs and antihistamines, have been developed. Antihistamines reduce symptoms such as itching and sneezing, while anti-allergy drugs prevent the production of histamine, the substance responsible for itching. These drugs can suppress a person's immune system, preventing an abnormal immune response from occurring, thus reducing symptoms and giving the appearance of a cure, but in fact, the symptoms are only temporarily reduced by the drugs. In fact, they are described as damaging the immune system. The most important thing is to treat the allergy itself. In other words, it is necessary to strengthen the natural healing power and homeostatic function that we are born with. To ensure that the exchange of information between the various cells runs smoothly, it is necessary to correct the abnormalities of the countless hair-like sugar chains on the surface of the cells.

Glycan chains are still generally poorly understood. This is due to the fact that they are the result of relatively recent research. However, sugar chains are extremely important for cellular functions and are unavoidable in human health and disease. It is said that 40% of these sugar chains are missing in modern man due to active oxygen and stress. As a result, the immune system does not function normally. This is why hay fever can suddenly appear one day in a person who has never had it before. Hay fever is an allergic disease caused by an overreaction to pollen, but if the sugar chain is normal, there is no overreaction to pollen. On the other hand, if the sugar chain is abnormal, the pollen is recognized as a "foreign substance" and cannot be distinguished from viruses. As a result, the immune system begins to attack the pollen, and symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and low-grade fever then appear.

Glycan chains are made up of eight monosaccharides *, which are intimately linked to each other. Differences in the glycan part of the glycoproteins in the red blood cell membrane determine whether the blood is type A, B, or O. The differences are surprisingly small, such as an increase or decrease in one of the monosaccharides. This small change is so important that it can cause rejection in blood transfusions, which shows how important the role of the glycoprotein is. The nutrients needed to form these glycans, which are important for cell function, are eight different monosaccharides. They would normally be supplied by the diet, but due to changes in diet and environment factors, people today are unable to absorb many of the necessary sugar chains. Vegetables, for example, lack micronutrients in the soil due to the effects of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and although they have beautiful color and shape, they lack the necessary nutrients. It is therefore necessary to supplement the eight glyconutrients that make up the sugar chains with well-balanced supplements.

Otherwise, no matter how many high-quality vitamins and minerals you take, your body will not be able to function properly. If you can rebuild damaged glycans and allow your immune system to function properly, you can prevent the dysfunction of glycans, prevent the onset of hay fever, or reduce the symptoms and allow your immune system to function properly. This year, we encourage you to supplement your diet with glyconutrients as soon as possible to prepare for painful hay fever.

* For those who are curious, the eight monosaccharides that are required for the proper functioning of human beings are : L-fucose, D-galactose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine,  D-glucose, D-mannose, N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid, and D-xylose.

Natural Receipts

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